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The Advantages of Rural Living in the UK

Are you sick of the hustle and bustle of city living? If you’re longing for a more relaxing pace of life, you might be considering a move to the countryside.

Here are just a few of the advantages that rural living can offer.

Enjoy the fresh air of the UK countryside

One of the first things you’ll notice when you move to the countryside is the fresh air and lack of pollution. This is great news for your health, as breathing in clean air has been linked with all sorts of benefits, from improved lung function to reduced stress levels. Another advantage of rural life is the peace and quiet. If you’re tired of being constantly surrounded by noise, you’ll appreciate being able to enjoy silence at last. And if you have young children, they’ll love being able to play outside without having to worry about traffic. 

Enjoy a simpler quality of life in a rural area

Rural areas also tend to have lower crime rates than cities. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including the close-knit nature of rural communities, which makes it harder for criminals to go undetected. Plus, with more open spaces and fewer people around, there are simply fewer opportunities for crime to take place. Another benefit of living in the countryside is that you’ll be surrounded by nature. Whether you want to go for a hike in the woods or just sit in your garden and watch the birds, you’ll have easy access to all sorts of wildlife when you live in a rural area. 

Save money by moving to the country

One final advantage of rural living is that it’s typically cheaper than city living. This is due in part to lower prices on property and land in rural areas. But it’s also because there are fewer job opportunities in these areas, so incomes tend to be lower. However, this can be offset by the fact that many people who live in rural areas have subsistence gardens, which helps them save money on groceries. 

Moving to the countryside has a lot of advantages. From lower crime rates and better air quality to closer proximity to nature and cheaper cost of living, there are many reasons why you might want to consider making a move to a rural area. So if you’re tired of city life and ready for a change, why not give rural living a try?

We have considerable expertise and experience of this lifestyle, and the property market of rural areas. We are here to help buyers and vendors connect, so get in touch if it is time for a change.

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At Prestige & Village, we care about our community, and supporting others. We aim to provide you with as much help and assistance as we can. If you have any property or housing questions, please feel free to contact us today.

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